Newspaper Commentator Discusses Karma, Either Doesn't Know What It Is or Should Really Hope That It Doesn't Exist

This is one of the helpful comments that was left after the Daily Sentinel story on some Halliburton layoffs:
By D Salazar

Mar 5, 2009 8:56 PM "That's karma. Oil riggers suck. Thanks for ruining my once wholesome town with your "i'm oil field trash and i'm proud" attitudes. Good riddance, fellas. I'll see you all when you're pumping my gas some day. Or maybe serving me french fries next time I go to a fast food joint. Or camped out under a tree at Hawthorne Park. Take your stupid big trucks, your big wallets(well not so much now), your ridiculous tattoos and your ugly wardrobes and get out of here. And never come back. Maybe Mesa State College will profit from this because you retards will have to go to school to make any kind of money. Oh, wait. What am I thinking? I doubt any of you can read."

It would probably be in his best interest that karma doesn't exist or running into an oilfield worker for that matter. Actually the second thing probably wouldn't matter since I doubt he would share these views in person.

We hope it will not be too much longer until our friends in the oilfields get back to work, I just hope it doesn't disappoint Mr. Salazar too much, he's obviously quite emotional.