Sad and Unfortunate Comments By State Senator Dave Schultheis Used To Try and Whack Josh Penry?

Desperate times make for silly positions and attempts to connect state Senator Josh Penry to foolish and irresponsible remarks by an overheated colleague probably demonstrate the fear that those on the left have for the political trajectory of Penry more than the outrage they feel at a separate senator's comments.

Dave Schultheis was rightly blasted for arguing against HIV testing for pregnant teens and deserved most of what he got. However, somehow indicating that Senator Penry's job was to unring the bell in some unexplainable way for the remarks is a transparent attempt to try and tie a popular leader to others unpopular positions.

Penry has released the following statement regarding the offensive pop off by

"I strongly disagree with the comments made about the HIV infant bill.
As a co-sponsor of the bill, I believe HIV screening for at-risk infants is responsible and humane public policy. These children are, after all, innocent human lives," I'm a proud conservative with traditional beliefs on issues like marriage, but it's essential that elected leaders don't lose sight of the fundamental humanity and dignity of people who see the world and these issues differently."

People on the left who are worried about Senator Penry should probably try and find better candidates of their own instead of trying to chip away at him with other peoples silly remarks.

Perhaps they should direct their attention to Speaker Pelosi's ignoring of representative Murtha's consistent attacks on his own constituents and uninformed accusations he's made against America's military.