Colorado Taxpayer Transparency Act-Your Chance to See the State Checkbook; Controversial?

The Colorado legislature is considering an act that would allow taxpayers to be able to easily access various places that tax dollars are spent in the state budget. Surprisingly, unless you're a follower of politics, there are some that do not want the taxpayer to easily and regularly access the various places that state money is sent.

During the legislative session that involves so much debate over things of great importance such as new oil and gas regulations, transportation fees and so forth it is easy to lose important pieces of legislation from the second tier of consideration.

Some take advantage of this lack of attention on what would otherwise be more publicized lawmaking and try and divert it to the waste can of death by committee. But this commonsense piece of legislation should be passed.

In a time when many endlessly tout the availability of information on the Internet this is an excellent opportunity for some in the legislature to put examination of our money where their mouth is (I know it's bad form to an end a sentence like that but it seems okay for theatrical impact).

You can click on the following quote from the Opinion Times to go to a website where you can send your desire to have this legislation passed to the state legislature.

"HB1288, the Colorado Taxpayer Transparency Act. Representative B.J. Nikkel has offered this bill which will put the state checkbook online for everyone to see. It will be in a searchable database which will allow all Coloradans to see where their money is being spent. And it will hold all future administrations accountable as well: Democrat and Republican."