New Radio Show Kicked off This Weekend -- A Few Technical Issues but We We stayed on the Air, I'll Take What I Can Get

Some of you have noted the beginning of new a weekly radio show entitled "Getting It Right with Rick Wagner".

That's right, we are once again subjecting the radio listening audience at KNZZ to my tenuous grasp on reality on a regular basis.

Many of you seem to remember my show from the late 90's which was on the radio for about 4 years. We had a good audience and a lot of fun but it just became a lot to handle.

As time has passed and it seems there is so much going on I felt it was time to return with a local option for information and we hope an entertaining approach. A number of people have been a great deal of help and volunteered suggestions and time.

A special thanks to Commissioner Rowland who is helping to sort through pending legislation and highlighting portions that can have a real impact on the area. Also a big thanks to Commissioner Meis for being the first guest and waiting around for a LONG time while I was being taught a whole new computrized broadcast system (which I am still obviously learning)

We hope to make the show as informative as possible and although there is certainly opinion interjected we are trying to cover things clearly that are happening at the legislature, commissioners, federal level and city council.

The listening area is quite large including Mesa, Delta and Montrose Countys along with our simulcast in Garfield County.

You can hear us at 1:00pm every Saturday on AM 1100 KNZZ and read my ramblings every Thursday in the Daily Sentinel on the editorial/opinion page.

By the way, I always appreciate the support of the readers and listeners.