First You Monkey around with How You Count the Votes, Then You Monkey around with Where the Votes Are at -- The Big Problem with the Coming Census

Readers may remember that the number of representatives and the location and shape of their districts is determined by the population as recorded by the Census; conducted every 10 years. The far left, realizing there can be success found in the mechanisms used to count votes or determine the location and shape of congressional districts have launched programs to install extremely "sympathetic" Secretaries of State in battleground areas and now to seek to control the conduct and the results of the Census. Over the last week stories have been emerging about the attempts to direct the methodology of counting by the census to include estimates of certain types of populations.

In fact, certain African American and Latino pressure groups have begun efforts to control the mechanism used to conduct the Census count. This move does not actually have a racial component but is merely an attempt to solidify voting groups for the purpose of electing left-leaning candidates by tilting the Census to exaggerate growth in certain areas; thus causing redistricting or in extreme conditions the realignment of the number of congressional seats allocated to a state.
Read the LA Times story on some of these topics by clicking here.

In furtherance of some of these efforts, is appears that Republican Senator Gregg who is the nominee for Commerce Department Secretary will be bypassed in the departments traditional role in conducting the Census. That function will be directed around his office and ran directly out of the Democratic controlled Obama White House.
Read about that story by clicking here and going to the Congressional Quarterly.

The short story is that even if you're not outnumbered in an area as a conservative -- it might just start to look that way.