Legislators Amazing Plan to Essentially Give Our Electoral Votes to California

For those of you that don't know, the Democrat majority in the Colorado House has passed out a bill that would award the electoral votes of the state of Colorado to the winner of the national popular vote. ( House bill 1299-passed House:34-29)

As many of our more astute readers know, the Democrats have been on a campaign to dismantle the Electoral College system since 2000. The effort is not even a thinly disguised attempt to diminish the influence of smaller and often more conservative states to those of larger states made up of government transfer payment recipients, big union members and government employees.

Without a winner take all system in the state of Colorado; where the popular vote of Colorado determines the awarding of our electoral votes, our interests and those of our state will pale in significance in comparison to larger, more needy destinations.

If this legislation is successful, then we can pretty much write off seeing presidential candidates spend much time in Colorado and other Rocky Mountain states since going to Southern California will net you the votes you need in comparison to Colorado.

Those that want to enact this bit of legislation show vastly more allegiance to their national party than to their home state. But then what's a little more undermining of the intent of the framers.

Perhaps some in the Senate will value our state over their national party agenda.