Big Labor Continues to Pull The Strings At State Capitol- Unemployment For Union Workers During Labor Dispute?

  • From the Chamber of Commerce position

  • HB09-1170 - Supports a negotiating tactic by organized labor that forces employers to pay UI benefits for workers in a labor dispute when the employer locks them out as a defensive measure. Given the recent dramatic increases in the State's unemployment rate, this bill (If passed) may endanger the State's Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund

  • All the Dems seem to be able to talk about lately is how the energy industry has too much influence. They at least create jobs AND investment-unlike most modern union bosses.
  • It is surprising that many of the lawmakers can see what anyone else is doing from their vantage point deep in the union pockets.
  • Heck, I'm pretty sure they go through a lot of lint rollers to get that pocket lint off their clothes everyday.