New York Times Takes the News Hard -- Conservatives Win, Obama Clone Goes Down

For weeks the New York Times and National Public Radio have been eagerly chattering about the national elections in Italy.

The Democratic candidate had openly referred to himself as an Italian Obama and had adopted the slogan "yes we can" and mimicked other positions of our own problematic and recently disintegrating candidate.

His opponent was a 71-year-old wealthy businessman from a prior administration who was subject to very mean-spirited descriptions in the liberal press predominantly about his age and hair transplants.

These of course were brought up as he was the conservative candidate.

The 71-year-old conservative beat the Obama clone and in rhetoric very reminiscent of Mr. Obama's own, the Times now referred to Italian voters as frustrated, angry and without too much reading between the lines apparently incapable of making the right selection.

The liberal media does not like this result as the positions and candidates are echoes of our own. Story Link Here