Unassuming Congressional Crimefighters Fight Drug Powered Fastballs

I don't know if any of you noticed in all the hubbub of the endless presidential horserace but Congress has been about its important business of questioning whether or not people in Major League Baseball are taking steroids.

Additionally, they are now making a row about whether or not some of Bush's advisers should be held in contempt for not answering Congressional subpoenas.

We may all recall the issue was over the so-called firing of eight United States attorneys and Pelosi and the rest of the caped crusaders felt it would make a good campaign issue.

It didn't seem to have much effect and the issue of whether or not Executive branch direct advisers to the President are required to honor congressional subpoenas is interesting but not probably worth spending congressional time. Especially considering the purely political nature of the request.

Remember Congress is not the judicial branch, subpoenas it sends out for investigative hearings are not the same as those issued by a court.

In any event, those that thought the impeachment hearings were a waste of time with Clinton should at least be of the same mind with this ridiculous time wasting.

With Clinton, we had a president who OKed the sale of high grade, otherwise prohibited technology to the Chinese, which they use in their missile program and then mysteriously ends up with campaign contributions from China and to his presidential library; which we will never know how much precisely since the Clintons refuse to make public who paid for it.

So I have to count myself amongst those that felt like spending time in impeaching him up for lying under oath seemed a bit trivial.