NRA-ILA | Colorado: Next Week is Your Last Chance to Stop Dangerous Anti-Gun Bills from Becoming Law

"Details for testifying on Monday, March 4:
  • At 1:30, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear the following bills in the Old Supreme Court Chamber (Room 220) of the state Capitol:
HB 1224 and SB 196
  • Also at 1:30, the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee will hear the following bills in Senate Committee Room 356 on the third floor of the state Capitol:
HB 1229, HB 1228, and HB 1226
  • Please make plans to arrive at the state Capitol in Denver no later than 12:45.
  • Once you arrive, please make your way to the respective committee rooms so you can sign up to testify in opposition to these measures. You will be assigned a number indicating the order you will be able to testify.  This will allow all interested parties the opportunity to testify before both committees.
  • Please note, you will be limited to three minutes of testimony in each committee to address all of the bills.
As gun owners, sportsmen and supporters of the Second Amendment, we need you to show up Monday, March 4th to testify against HB 1224, HB 1226, HB 1228, HB 1229 and SB 196."