Economic Recovery and the Gathering Storm
Most of the readers of this blog are fairly high level consumers of news economic and otherwise so you already know that there is some evidence of a bottom having been reached in the national economy.
This obviously does not mean that every place will recover at the same rate but it does show that indicators are presently moving up. Most economic analysis would have indicated that the recession would have probably reach this point in December or January had not the last and present administration continued to deliver body blows to consumer confidence to gain regulatory advantage.
What is fairly clear is that the recovery that appears to be slowly underway is not the result of any of the stimulus packages and certainly not that of the collectivist tendencies of the present administration towards business.
The extreme cautionary note needs to be sounded because of these recent policies and their obvious inflationary effect. Huge amounts of money have been injected into the system, much of which resulted from the use of printing presses and the sale of high interest bonds to foreign powers.
After a short period of rebound it is highly likely that the massive amounts of money placed into the system by the government will join hands with cash that has been on the sideline during the recession and bring about a pronounced inflationary spike.
This would be bad enough but for the added issue that much of the cash infusion into the economy from the printing presses has been for the creation of holy nonproductive jobs such as our local commitment to building trails on the monument, bike lanes in Denver and a host of other national products that do nothing to boost the gross domestic product which will further the gap between the amount of goods available and the amount of money floating around.
Making the most out of the recovery period ahead and exercising dollars that may be more valuable now than later is often a strategy worth considering. The next strategy of course would be to get the originators of these disastrous policies out of positions of power before they do any more damage.