Unsubscribing to Pointless Magazines With Tedious Political Agendas

About three months ago we subscribed to a Condé Nast publication called portfolio which was allegedly about business.

What it turned out to be concerning was left wing politics and conservative bashing. I don't know why I'm surprised from a publishing group that includes GQ amongst their offerings.

It's not just the attacks on conservatives that are wearisome but the relentless panting over the Obama administration.

So I decided that although I have a few months left on the subscription I would do myself the cathartic act and tell them to stop pestering me with the publication and keep it until my subscription ran out. I highly recommend it -- and while it doesn't make up for being suckered into giving them some of your money, at least you don't have to look at it.

This was my e-mail; you should make up one of your own if you made the same mistake:
"Just received your April issue -- fantastic and brave, a hit piece on Sarah Palin, another bashing Exxon while misty eyed about Obama and so forth. What can we expect next; something about the Nixon administration, McCarthyism or maybe just an old-fashioned swing at Rudolph Giuliani.

Way to really go out on the editorial limb in Manhattan.
If I was interested in reading a magazine that had written off half of the country I would have subscribed to Newsweek and raised their circulation by 20%. In the meantime we can save a bit of recycling costs by just not sending me whatever remaining issues we have remaining on our subscription. Just let us know what routing numbers we need to take off the mailing label for you to use to stop sending us the magazine. We will just absorb the cost of the subscription and I will write it off as a contribution to the Obama campaign.

I feel a little better, still foolish, but a little better.