Small Business Killing Mandatory Sick Leave... Dead, Bum in the Basement Bill Still Alive And Majority Mugs Minority on Transportation Bill

Colorado House Bill 1210 has been killed with a little sigh of relief for small business owners since it would've required mandatory healthcare coverage for anyone that employed more than six people.

Probably a godsend for employees of small businesses that had seven people since they probably would have been rapidly converted to small businesses employing only six.

Meanwhile, Senate Bill 159 colorfully dubbed "the bum living in the basement legislation" apparently soldiers on. This Bill seeks to raise the requirement that insurance providers issue coverage for "dependents" still living at home up to the age of 30 as part of their employee health coverage. A horrible idea but a probable boon to the folks that offer their views in the comments section at local newspapers.

Not surprisingly under the cover of darkness last night the Senate majority passed a change in rules that would... wait for it --end spending rules.

You should probably read the story on this as it involves using a mechanism that apparently hasn't been put into play in the last 20 years to end debate. You can go to the Sentinel story by clicking here.

We are way past creeping socialism here in the field of backdoor imposition of universal healthcare and have moved on to galloping socialism.