Face The State Uncovers Some HIGH Salaries at CU (see the HIGH was supposed to be a pun on Boulder being "high"-OK too complicated)

"Following a string of Face The State investigative reports showing CU chancellor pay to be among the highest in the country,...

Face the State Staff Report

According to documents obtained by Face the State, University of Colorado Denver Chancellor M. Roy Wilson is the highest paid CU chancellor, earning a base salary of $468,115, incentive payments of up to $175,000 annually and an additional $75,000 per year in supplemental pay. All told, Wilson has the potential to earn up to $718,115 per year - almost twice the university's other two chancellors - and making him the second highest paid university employee, second only to a resident doctor in the school of medicine.

Wilson is one of 2,087 CU employees making over $100,000 annually, and one of 105 earning $300,000 or more. Wilson's supplemental pay includes $10,000 per year in lieu of an automobile reimbursement, $18,000 for the purchase of life and disability insurance, and $47,000 per year for housing that must also be used to host university functions."