Just Another Little Story about How the Democrats Are Trying to Drive the Nails into the Coffin of Jobs in Western Colorado

For those of you that got some sense of the press conference this morning on what difficulties are with the oil and gas industry in Western Colorado, you know that unquestionably part of the issue is the uncertainty principle that lurks within the new rules generated by this legislature through their minions on the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.

Although not surprisingly many of the Democrats that put those folks on that commission charged them with changing these rules and encourage them to make the rules as onerous as possible now seem to be distancing themselves like some faraway star.

By clicking here you can go to the story about how the effort to remove the arbitrary decision-making from the Department of Natural Resources and Department of wildlife keeps getting torpedoed keeps getting torpedoed in committee which of course prevented from coming to the floor where legislators might actually have to attach their vote to it there.

Nevertheless, the fight continues in Denver where they apparently think we don't hear about any of these things. What seems to be the consensus of the energy producers is that having a carte blanche yea or nay from these bureaucrcies creates a high uncertainty coefficient in the drilling activity; making it hard to determine profitability of the well. Most of you should recognize this as an effort to push the industry to the margins indirectly by using an appointed commission that is to create the illusion of distance from the majority party.

I don't think that is necessarily what has been perceived by most Western slope residents.

If you want to tune into my radio show tomorrow we're talking to a consultant the county uses to try and figure out the direction the oil and gas industry is headed in the area at about 1: 30 p.m. on KNZZ AM1100. Prior to that we will be talking to one of the city Council candidates and just a couple of news items I think might be of interest. Hope you have time to listen.