Daily Sentinel Endorses Craig Meis -- In a Related Story the Devil Is in the Market for Some New Ice Skates

Just when the world seems all comfortably figured out a big monkey wrench gets thrown into it.

We're not certain here exactly what to think about the Sentinel's endorsement, some are still waiting to see if Greek soldiers emerge from the horse and try and open the gates of the city.

One thing in all of this that is becoming clear, is that individuals who run businesses or work for businesses are realizing that the Grand Valley's survival of the economic slump has a great deal to do with the energy industry and a good working knowledge of that field is not a bad thing; as long as there is transparency (I hate using that term it's become so trite) in the decision-making process.

Certainly, if there is something that can be said about Commissioner Meis it is that he makes no secret of his feelings about things; so those that believe there may be some secret agenda to his policies either aren't listening or the tinfoil lining their hats is interfering with their hearing.

I suppose if the paper's editorial board would really like to drive many of us to the bar in the early afternoon they would endorse Laura Bradford over media darling Bernie Buescher, who's increasingly frenetic campaigning on television and radio indicates both the surfeit of money and deficit of message.

It is as his campaign of two years ago put it "all cap and no cattle" which to someone actually from the West is supposed to be "all hat, no cattle".

For those of you in the Buescher campaign, unfamiliar with the term, a hat is a piece of headgear worn by Westerners that has a brim both in the front and the back and "cattle" are those creatures that cause global warming and provide material for your Birkenstocks.

We will be analyzing the Bradford effort in future postings, perhaps today or tomorrow and how this dark horse race may prove to be one of the more exciting on the Western slope.