So Now the City Council Just Wants a Tabor Override To Go along with Their Tax Increase -- Having Fun Yet?

Just when you thought it couldn't get any crazier on the November ballot -- the Grand Junction City Council rides to the rescue.

Tonight, at their session they agreed to not only put the $98 million tax request on the ballot but to ask for an override of the Taxpayers Bill of Rights as a bit of garnish.

The fact they continue to hold the absolutely necessary need for a new police building hostage to an unwieldy and grandiose building project and tax increase is apparently not enough to demonstrate how out of touch staff and Council are with the community.

I spoke with a couple of folks this evening about their request for a Tabor override for a fuzzy and squishy group of unnamed projects in the future and did receive some pretty funny expressions of disbelief. Not quite worth the cost but pretty close.

Initial story from the Sentinel can be accessed by clicking here. There will be more follow-up in the print version Tuesday morning.