White Elephants Are Costly to Repair -- Avalon Repair Costs Triple

In an apparent shock to many, a building that has been in a constant state of disrepair since the 1970s will see a tripling in its estimated repair costs; To 14.2 million dollars-yes you see correctly, according to the Sentinel story here.

The Avalon Theatre once the Cooper movie theater has been hemorrhaging money like a sacrificial goat since it has been resurrected.

Staggering along showing mainly movies for the Birkenstock crowd such as "A March of Inconvenient Penguins Toward Fahrenheit 911" the promoters now wonder why it is not making any money?

To be fair, there have been many enjoyable performances at that venue and it's lack of success is not due to any failure of goodwill.

The fact is that many buildings reach a state of decline to a point that only the most important merit public money to be saved and present plans will call
undoubtedly for much public money.

With a new event Center being proposed as well as a recreation center with meeting rooms and the like it is a situation that a private company would undoubtedly question the need for such space and certainly the expense of renovation.

We can see how this operates when you go to the new movie theaters in Fruita that were promised years ago.

The Avalon should be offered for sale with some restrictions placed on its exterior redesign and see if private entrepreneurs can figure out a way for it to pay for it since the public cannot.