Blue Ribbon Transportation Panel Sees Red, Dreams Big--$.13 More per Gallon of Gas Or Hundred Dollars More to Register a Car, Or Both

The Blue Ribbon panel appointed by Governor Ritter to study solutions to improving Colorado roads has come to the conclusion -- surprise -- taxpayers need to pay more! So far for Democrats, since winning the legislature and now the governor's mansion every problem has a simple solution. The formula is easy: cut nothing from the state budget, especially social programs that aren't working and raise the burden on taxpayers.

Please examine the record since 2004 and you'll note a continuing escalation of expenditure and an increase of tax and fee collection has been the norm- from referendum C to the largest tax increase in Colorado history, the misnamed"mill levy freeze". There can be no doubt this legislative session will bring a plethora of spending and revenue generating legislation. There is also little doubt that this transportation report will be used to support a massive increase in the severance tax on energy extraction.

In fact, to the conspiracy minded, the synergy between this report and some of the legislation to be proposed is a bit coincidental. To be fair, the transportation effect of the energy industry is quite noticeable in many counties and the industry should be required to maintain and improve the roadways used in their business at an equitable rate.

The issue for those of us on the Western slope will remain as always: Will any new tax structure imposed on the industry actually go to the Western Colorado communities it supposedly is put in place to assist, or as usual will this funding be transferred to pet projects of Front Range politicians. Lessons from the past do not bode well for the smaller counties that generate a tax; getting the benefit.
Click on the headline to see the story from the Rocky Mountain News