Big Hat Hissy Fit At Interior-Senate Blocks Salazar Appt. Western Senators Try to save Their Economies And It Makes Big Hat Mad

Its no secret that most politicians spend their time in politics as an ego driven exercise and this is even more true for our prior Senator and now Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.

He never really had enough of the traditional elements to stand out in a crowd so we should give him a big hat tip for managing to get into positions where his incompetence can be so damaging to the country.

His success is an interesting study in that peculiar alchemy of being in the right place at the right time with the right background leading to all the wrong results. Not for him of course, it's worked out great -- just the state and nation have had to suffer for his success.

It doesn't take a genius to see someone who wears a big Stetson in Washington, DC is making a desperate cry for help or at least attention. It was enough when Big Hat paraded around Colorado gulling people into believing that he was something other than what he was -- a big city Democrat lawyer.

Now that he's in Washington, he is amongst his own kind but continues to want to stand out and is jealous of Ben Campbell's nickname-so he has decided that wearing his big hat and boots is a way to do that. Alright, the big boots might be a height thing.

But like most narcissists of which this administration seems to be their natural home, he gets quite peevish when he doesn't get his way. This is demonstrated in his response to the Senate blocking his deputy appointment of a Clinton era environmental lawyer whose idea of preserving the nation's federal lands is to keep dirty old average people out of them and certainly not allow anyone to take advantage of their natural resources for the purpose of employment.

Witness his written tantrum of a press release on the defeat of his nomination; "This was a tired vote of bitter obstructionism. It may be uncomfortable for some to watch us have to clean up mess after mess –- from corruption to lawbreaking — that is the previous Administration’s legacy at Interior, but to cast a vote against such a qualified and fine person is the height of cynicism."

Salazar's mantra has continued to be "cleaning up messes" which one can only assume is some weak attempt to indicate that the Department of Interior was such a mess under the prior administration, which may have been partly true but at least it wasn't an instrument of social engineering as it has become under Mr. Salazar.

Read the background story in the Salt Lake Tribune by clicking here.